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Haus-Rucker-Co. Live again

€ 18,50


Kata­log zur Aus­stel­lung 16.11.07 – 16.03.08, Andrea Bina, Lentos Kunst­mu­se­um Linz (Hrsg.), 2007, 100 Sei­ten, Paper­back, far­bi­ge Abbildungen.

With the exhi­bi­ti­on HAUS-RUCKER-CO LIVE again the Lentos Art Muse­um shows the cen­ter­pie­ce of the exhi­bi­ti­on sta­ging of LIVE from 1970: The Giant Bil­lard, a hybrid of a giant bil­lard and box ring, is a white pneu­ma­tic mat­tress 15 x 15 meters lar­ge and one meter high, on which the­re are three white, infla­ted balls made of PVC. The mat­tress can func­tion as a sta­ge, on which the peop­le vir­tual­ly beco­me actors in the sce­ne. The inten­ti­on at the time was to break open the view imma­nent to the muse­um and to play­ful­ly ques­ti­on the sta­tus of the reci­pi­ents with this inter­ven­ti­on. The muse­um as a playground?
Near­ly four­ty years later, the expec­ta­ti­ons of the muse­um visi­tors have been rai­sed: in addi­ti­on to its basic tasks a muse­um today offers high qua­li­ty entertainment.

The group HAUS-RUCKER-CO beca­me acti­ve in the space of the muse­um and in public space: it was a time of expan­ding con­scious­ness and arran­ging urban space. Pro­to­ty­pes for new ide­as for living were crea­ted, influ­en­ced by new buil­ding mate­ri­als, and pro­po­sals for rede­signing people´s living space.

Ver­lag für moder­ne Kunst Nürnberg
22,5×19 cm

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