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Ines Doujak, John Barker. Loomshuttles, Warpaths.

€ 39,50


An Eccen­tric Archi­ve 2010 – 2018, Publi­ka­ti­on beglei­tend erschie­nen zur Aus­stel­lung Ines Dou­jak, SALE” im Lentos Kunst­mu­se­um Linz, 2.2. – 21.5.2018, Würt­tem­ber­gi­scher Kunst­ver­ein Stutt­gart u. Lentos Kunst­mu­se­um Linz (Hg.), , 342 Sei­ten, farb. Abbil­dun­gen und Applikationen.

Tex­ti­les that crossed the world long befo­re today’s glo­ba­liza­ti­on can also tell tales of the mul­ti­ple forms and con­se­quen­ces of colo­nia­list poli­ci­es. Loomshut­tles, War­paths is an exten­si­ve stu­dy of tex­ti­les and their glo­bal histo­ry, which is cha­rac­te­ri­zed by cul­tu­ral, class, and gen­der con­flict, and sheds light on the high­ly com­plex and asym­me­tri­cal rela­ti­onships bet­ween Euro­pe and Latin Ame­ri­ca through the medi­um of Ande­an tex­ti­les. Its uni­que tex­ti­le tra­di­ti­on deve­lo­ped over mil­len­nia and con­ti­nues to shape all levels of life. Start­ing from a coll­ec­tion of such tex­ti­les Loomshut­tles, War­paths aims to crea­te con­nec­tions and devi­se coun­ter-nar­ra­ti­ves, wea­ving the­se tog­e­ther with wider glo­bal geo­gra­phies to reve­al a world con­sis­ting of power, dis­re­spect, and explo­ita­ti­on, as well as by a multi­tu­de of resistances.
This book recei­ved a rese­arch grant from the Aus­tri­an Sci­ence Fund (PEEK) and deri­ves from the exhi­bi­ti­ons SALE, Lentos, Linz (2018) and Not Dres­sed for Con­quering, Würt­tem­ber­gi­scher Kunst­ver­ein, Stutt­gart (2016).

Spec­tor Books
24×32 cm

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