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Ingeborg Strobl

€ 24,50


Publi­ka­ti­on zur Aus­stel­lung im Lentos Kunst­mu­se­um Linz, 24.6. – 18.9.2016, 143 Sei­ten, farb. Abbildungen.

Inge­borg Strobl’s work is to be read as a nar­ra­ti­ve con­ti­nued, as a fab­ric whe­re each thread is inter­wo­ven with ano­t­her. Appro­pria­ting, high­ligh­t­ing, cor­re­la­ting are all main­stays of the approach with which she char­ges her mate­ri­al with new mea­ning. Strobl’s princi­pal media inclu­de col­la­ge, pho­to­gra­phy, off­set print/artist’s book, water­co­lour, and video. But her oeu­vre also com­pri­ses lar­ge-sca­le art-in-archi­tec­tu­re designs. When working on small-sca­le for­mats, she does so out of
con­vic­tion, taking a deli­be­ra­te stand against over­pro­duc­tion, con­sump­ti­on, and was­ted resour­ces. The tri­vi­al and the inci­den­tal, the objects found along the way­si­de of life, the unin­ten­tio­nal poe­try of natu­re, and the uncon­scious curio­si­ty of human endea­vour are all cap­tu­red in the fine meshwork of Strobl’s atten­ti­on and then, artis­ti­cal­ly ren­de­red, in the publi­ca­ti­on accom­pany­ing the exhi­bi­ti­on space itself.

Ver­lag für moder­ne Kunst
21,5×29,5 cm

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