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Massimo Vitali. Photographer

€ 15,50


Kata­log zur Aus­stel­lung 17.06. – 02.10.05, Bandecchi&Vivaldi und Lentos Kunst­mu­se­um Linz, 2005, 103 Sei­ten, Paper­back, s/​w und Farbfotos

I use pho­to­gra­phy like an instru­ment that allows me to extract ele­ments from rea­li­ty. I am not inte­res­ted in estab­lish­ment or rewor­king. I work only with rea­li­ty in the simp­lest and most direct lan­guage pos­si­ble. Moreo­ver I am very inte­res­ted in the pla­ces befo­re I pho­to­graph them. I let my curio­si­ty pull me to the bor­der of voy­eu­rism.” Mas­si­mo Vitali

Holi­day and enter­tain­ment pla­ces, beaches, swim­ming-pools, ski slo­pes, dis­cos: the­se are the result of an artist´s visi­on which adopts of a rai­sed point of view, this, in turn, pro­du­ces detach­ment from the cho­sen sub­jects, a distant but abso­lute­ly detail­ed framing: becau­se Mas­si­mo Vita­li is first of all a photographer.
This books gathers, for the first time, arti­cu­la­ted theo­re­ti­cal reflec­tions about Vitali´s poe­tic and images who­se pos­si­ble rea­dings are as radi­ant and clear as they are complex.

17×22 cm

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