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Sean Scully

€ 28,50


Kata­log zur Aus­stel­lung im Lentos Kunst­mu­se­um Linz, 22.07. – 07.10.2012, Kunst­mu­se­um Bern / Lentos Kunst­mu­se­um Linz, 205 Sei­ten, farb. Abbildungen.

Sean Scul­ly was born in 1945 in Dub­lin and grew up in Lon­don. He beca­me a US citi­zen in 1983. Today, he is resi­dent in New York, Bar­ce­lo­na and Munich. Under the influence of Mark Roth­ko, he aban­do­ned repre­sen­ta­tio­nal pain­ting at an ear­ly stage. Ever sin­ce, the direct lan­guage of the brush, shapes that are exclu­si­ve­ly geo­me­tri­cal figu­res and a deft play with colours that ran­ges from deli­ca­te nuan­ces and gla­zes to powerful and direct appli­ca­ti­ons of colours has been the essence of Scully’s work. Alt­hough his pic­tures were initi­al­ly strict­ly two-dimen­sio­nal, they began to extend into the third dimen­si­on in the 1980s. He paints on box-shaped objects with pro­jec­tions and reces­ses. Today, he often works on metal pla­tes, some­ti­mes com­bi­ning them with can­va­ses. This book focu­ses on his cur­rent out­put, which the artist hims­elf sums up thus: All my life, I have been dri­ven by some guilt or other. It is only in the past few years that this has ended … and I incre­asing­ly like mys­elf bet­ter for it. I only do things that I real­ly want to do. This has cau­sed me to attempt big things.

jovis art Verlag
24×24 cm

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